Recommended Books

The following list provides an easy link to books that members of the Kamm team have written and other books that we frequently reference. This list will be changing and expanding as we come across new material. If you have other outstanding book suggestions for educators, please let Kamm Solutions know. We will add them to this listing.

Educational Book Recommendations

ACTIVATE: A Leader’s Guide to People, Practices, and Processes
Featuring a series of chapters by various authors

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The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change
by Andy Hargreaves, Dennis L. Shirley

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Educational Recommended Reading

Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education
by Ken Robinson

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Recommended educational books

The Magic of Dialogue: Transforming Conflict into Cooperation
by Daniel Yankelovich

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Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement
by John Hattie

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Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning
by John Hattie

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Leading Change
by John P. Kotter

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Trust Matters: Leadership for Successful Schools
by Megan Tschannen-Moran

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Data Teams: The Big Picture: Looking at Data Teams through a Collaborative Lens
Featuring a series of chapters by various authors

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Effective Superintendent-School Board Practices: Strategies for Developing and Maintaining Good Relationships With Your Board
by Various Authors

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Learning for the Future: Rethinking Schools for the 21st Century
by Gabriel Rshaid

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Student Centered Leadership
by Viviane Robinson

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The Principal
by Michael Fullan

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An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization

by Robert Keegan and Lisa Lahey

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