Working Collaboratively as Professionals to Maximize Learning

Description: This highly interactive program gets to the core of what effective, teacher-based collaborative teams do to ensure improved student learning. Through case studies, simulations, and rich resources, educators will learn how to

  1. Build a positive school culture where learning for all flourishes.
  2. Establish relational trust between colleagues and with students.
  3. Use multiple methods for determining student growth (including how to calculate effect sizes).
  4. Engage in rich data dialogues generated by key questions for teams as well as for administrators to use as they work with their teams.
  5. Analyze strengths and learning misconceptions that are evident on various samples of student learning.
  6. Respond with powerful instructional strategies.
  7. Receive and provide effective feedback as a tool for continuous learning.
  8. Implement engaging formative learning methods.

The practices learned and refined during this program can be applied immediately to stimulate continuous growth in schools and to support educators as activators of learning.

Formats Available for This Program: Seminars, workshops, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: K-12 teachers and school and district administrators