Implementing an Effective Evaluation System

Description: Evaluation should build confidence, celebrate new learning, and result in continuous growth. It should not be comprised of a checklist and one-way communication. In this engaging program, educators learn how to use evaluation as a system of reflection and increased effectiveness. They examine research-based methodologies for building a system of continuous support within the evaluation process and acquire new evaluation skills that supports professional learning and promotes self-direction and professional growth in those being evaluated.

During this program, participants will

  • Evaluate the research-based evidence of what effective teachers and/or leaders should know and do.
  • Learn how to critically analyze a teacher or leader’s impact on student learning.
  • Examine strategies of professional guidance to move educators along a continuum of learning.
  • Ascertain the tools and strategies of effective support mechanisms.
  • Learn how to develop a common vocabulary for evaluations.
  • Explore evaluation rubrics.
  • Study both traditional and digital techniques for collecting evidence and providing timely, accurate feedback.
  • Understand how communication between the evaluator and those being evaluated supports growth and learning.
  • Consider methods for supporting struggling educators.
  • Engage in the design of a professional growth plan that ensures improvement.
  • Design an ongoing system of goal setting, self-evaluation, observations, and feedback.
  • Engage in an inter-rater reliability system to ensure consistency and calibrate evaluators.

Participants in this program will walk away with tangible tools, ideas, and planning strategies to implement an evaluation cycle of continuous growth. They will experience practical processes and learn how to set up systems for helping educators to flourish as professionals. Participants in this program will have access to a plethora of resources for use after this session.

Format: Seminars, workshops, webinars, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: District and school administrators, PK-12 teachers.