Student-Centered School Design

Description: Creating, implementing, and sustaining student-centered school design requires clear leadership, organized processes, careful coordination, and focused leadership teams. This program walks participants through a carefully researched approach that supports students as leaders of their own learning, educators as activators of learning, and school practices that embrace continuous growth. From conducting a careful needs analysis; to determining the goals, strategies, and indicators for measurement; to involving all stakeholders in the process, this program on student-centered school design is thorough and impactful. Participants will learn how to

  • Form a leadership team of stakeholders and embrace a collective voice;
  • Establish a future-focused curriculum and instructional framework that is multidisciplinary and promotes best practices in meeting the unique needs and aspirations of all students;
  • Activate learning rather than just disseminating information;
  • Empower students as leaders of their own learning;
  • Determine and Implement well-researched strategies to achieve goals and itemize action steps;
  • Embrace a continuous growth model through an effective monitoring and reporting plan;
  • Design and implement aligned professional learning practices to support strategies and initiatives; and
  • Articulate and apply a clearly detailed implementation plan.

Format: Seminars, workshops, webinars, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: PK-12 teachers and staff, school administrators, parents, students, community members