Effective Instructional Leadership

Description: The mission of every school is to ensure that students are learning at high levels. The goal of effective teachers is to diagnose students’ individual learning needs based on evidence and to alter their instruction accordingly. The practice of successful school leaders is to work with teachers to improve instruction as together they discover what is working to support improved student learning and what is not.

School leaders have moved into the realm of effective instructional leadership when they

  • Engage in learning dialogues with teachers.
  • Promote and participate in teacher professional learning.
  • Participate in regular classroom visits accompanied by rich feedback.
  • Strategically provide resources to support priority-teaching goals.

During this highly interactive program, leaders will learn how to mobilize and work with others to achieve shared goals; create a shared sense of purpose and direction; and establish conditions, resources, and processes that enable others to be effective. In addition, educators will examine leading research about the practices of effective instructional leaders and learn how to

  • Create a shared compelling vision of effective practice and continuous learning.
  • Develop and implement shared attainable and measurable goals.
  • Ensure high quality differentiated professional learning that is aligned with the direction of the organization and supports the needs of the staff.
  • Lead with integrity, honesty, compassion, and consistency.
  • Develop leadership capacity throughout the organization.

Format: Keynotes, seminars, workshops, webinars, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: District and school administrators.

“The practice of successful school leaders is to work with teachers to improve professional practice as together they discover what is working to support improved student learning.”

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