Implementing Next Generation Science Standards

This seminar will explore the teaching shifts needed to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  NGSS provides the opportunity to not only improve science education but also general teaching and learning methodologies. The goal of NGSS is to present a new vision for science education in America.  According to Appendix A of the NGSS, there are seven key conceptual shifts that should be addressed in K-12 classrooms:

  1. K-12 science education should reflect the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world.
  2. The Next Generation Science Standards are student performance expectations – NOT curriculum.
  3. The science concepts in the NGSS build coherently from K–12.
  4. The NGSS focus on deeper understanding of content as well as application of content.
  5. Science and engineering are integrated in the NGSS, from K–12.
  6. The Next Generation Science Standards are designed to prepare students for college, careers, and citizenship.
  7. The NGSS and Common Core State Standards (English Language Arts and Mathematics) are aligned.

The primary intent of this program is to provide educators’ with a deeper understanding about the application of NGSS so that they know how the use of science phenomena and discrepant events guide students to practice the habits of both scientists and engineers. To this end, science educators will participate in a series of activities:

  • Engage in specific examples that represent each of the seven conceptual shifts in NGSS.
  • Experience what science phenomena is and is not.
  • Examine the importance of discrepant events to support inquiry, problem solving and questioning.
  • Practice several discrepant events.

Kamm Solutions also provides a series of more advanced NGSS programs that build on the knowledge provided in Implementing Next Generation Science Standards.