Most Popular Programs on Leading

Collaborative Inquiry Teams

This interactive program provides a deeper awareness of the components necessary for authentic collaborative inquiry and meaningful dialogue between educators to actually occur.  As a result of this program, educators can expect improved instructional practices, deeper student learning, and personal growth from their time spent working in teams.

Student-Centered School Design

This dynamic program walks participants through a carefully researched approach to implementing and sustaining a student-centered school design that supports students as leaders of their own learning, educators as activators of learning, and school practices that embrace continuous growth.

Creating a Positive School Culture

The culture of a school determines its impact on learning for both students and educators. In schools with positive learning cultures, growth for all is maximized.

Building Trust in Your Schools

This program provides the guidelines for developing and sustaining a trust-based culture.

Building Shared Leadership

In strong organizations leadership is shared by many stakeholders. This highly engaging program focuses on the whys and hows of effective shared leadership.

Effective Instructional Leadership

This highly interactive session provides educators with effective practices and processes to becoming effective instructional leaders.

Professional Learning – From Knowledge to Implementation

In order to move educators from knowledge in a selected area to actual school and classroom implementation, professional learning opportunities need to include time for application and peer-to-peer modeling, dialogue, and feedback.

Resolving Conflict

In any organization, conflict is inevitable. In this program, participants learn how to manage conflict and ensure more positive outcomes and results.

Requesting and Responding to Community Perspectives

When running any organization, it is imperative that the perceptions and suggestions of all internal and external community members be heard, acknowledged, and acted upon in order to build a strong and effective culture.