Most Popular Programs on Learning

Preparing Future-Ready Learners: Developing Transversal Competencies

This program is foundational for all education transformations. It explores the transversal competencies that students need in order to truly prepare for the future. In addition, this program addresses how to overcome the operational and systemic challenges faced in schools and districts so that transversal competencies can be seamlessly woven into the fabric of classroom learning experiences.

Supporting Student Agency

Embracing agency requires a shift in instructional practices that allow students to contribute their strengths, cultures, ideas, interests, and experiences to their own learning. This engaging program involves educators in rich dialogue and authentic practice about how to activate student agency within their schools and classrooms.

Personalized Learning: Student Voice and Choice

Participants learn how to create engaging and customized personalized learning experiences for their students. This practical and highly interactive program models personalized learning by engaging  participants in  experiences tailored to their learning needs, learning preferences, and specific interests.

Collaborative Curriculum Design

Educators learn how to build problem/solution-based, multidisciplinary units of study that embrace personalized learning practices. These future-focused units engage students deeply in creative, critical thought that leads to lasting learning.

Grit, Growth, and Formative Learning

This highly engaging program provides educators with the tools and processes they need to fully and effectively implement the components of formative learning in their classrooms.

Coaching for Success

The development and refinement of pivotal coaching practices are emphasized in this program. The focus is on supporting coaches so that they can help educators to integrate new, more effective approaches to teaching, learning, and leading into their repertoire of skills and strategies.

Providing and Receiving Effective Feedback

Effective feedback is the key to improved performance for both educators and students. This interactive program provides practical strategies for providing and receiving effective feedback

Implementing Next Generation Science Standards

This hands-on program provides educators with specific classroom application of NGSS. They will also learn how the use of science phenomena and discrepant events can be used to guide students to practice the habits of both scientists and engineers that are integrated in NGSS K-12.

Mindfulness and Well Being

During this hands-on, research-grounded program, participants will learn effective processes for implementing the practice of mindfulness.