Professional Learning – From Knowledge to Implementation

Description: In order to transform learning for our children, districts and schools must commit resources to provide a variety of quality options for deep, sustained, multi-faceted professional learning for educators. Professional learning done well makes a difference in learning for all. In a synthesis of professional development research, Kamm Solutions has discovered that professional learning experiences that move from knowledge to deep implementation require 40 plus hours spread out over multiple months.  Very few schools and districts have that amount of time.

In this practical and highly interactive program, educators will learn the following:

  • Multiple approaches for determining the most impactful professional learning for educators in order to benefit students in their schools and districts.
  • How to maximize professional learning opportunities to balance classroom embedded practices with meaningful dialogues and multiple opportunities for learning.
  • The necessary components in any professional learning focus that will move understanding to application, ensuring improved  learning for all.
  • How to collect and analyze an array of data to monitor and report the impact of professional learning on improved practice and student achievement.

Format: Seminars, workshops, webinars, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: District and school administrators, PK-12 teacher leaders