Resolving Conflict

Description: Conflict is a natural and necessary part of working in organizations. When educators learn how to understand and handle conflict, it can improve relationships, the quality of results, and overall work satisfaction.

During this highly interactive program, participants will gain important skills to identify conflicting styles, manage crucial conversations, use feedback for improvement, understand an escalation model, and change conversations to minimize potential conflict. In Resolving Conflict, participants will learn the following:

  • Effective strategies for resolving conflict.
  • How to develop individual and team skills to resolve conflict.
  • Approaches for establishing mindsets to manage conflict and stimulate growth.

Format: Seminars, workshops, webinars, individual and team coaching, and customized learning opportunities designed to support and enhance current district/school programs and structures related to this topic.

Participants: School and District Administrators, PK-12 teachers and staff